Sustainable Management of Nutrients and Water

Stakeholder Review

Thank you to all who participated in the California Nitrogen Assessment’s (CNA) Stakeholder Review process.  The California Nitrogen Assessment was designed to respond to stakeholders’ needs, and the review process was an opportunity for the CNA team to hear from you in order to understand how well the assessment meets those needs.

The stakeholder review process for the CNA has concluded. Webinars of summary findings for individual sections of the assessment, and downloadable drafts of final (pre-press) drafts, are available below.

Stakeholder Questions

Through stakeholder engagement in the CNA's early stages, stakeholders generated a large number of questions about nitrogen in California agriculture. We synthesized a large list into overarching research questions, which served as guides for how to focus the California Nitrogen Assessment.

Stakeholder list

Who We're Working With

The California Nitrogen Assessment team is committed to hearing from and working with a diverse group of stakeholders who have interests related to nitrogen application and impacts in California.

Assessment Review Process

The process of writing and editing an assessment is unique, and different from the process of writing and editing a scientific journal article. In the interest of achieving the highest level of scientific credibility, the California Nitrogen Assessment follows the basic peer review methodology of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is a transparent process of writing and review.

Appendices and Supplemental Information

Appendices and supplemental information for The California Nitrogen Assessment: Challenges and Solutions for People, Agriculture, and the Environment are available for download.