Extension Webinar: Farm Workers are Farmers

Farmworker in field of tomato plants

Event Date


The first webinar in
UC SAREP Racial Equity in Extension's webinar series:

Farm Workers are Farmers

Friday, June 18, 2021 on Zoom

1:30-3:00 PM (PDT)

Description: The traditional way of defining extension clientele has largely focused on serving agricultural land owners and operators. This approach has made it difficult for extension personnel to engage with diverse audiences, as 94% of the owner-operators in California are white. Shifting extension to serve farm workers (99% of whom are Hispanic or Latino) as well as owner-operators would both increase the diversity of who benefits from extension services and take a more all-encompassing approach to who should benefit from extension programming. It will also help to improve living and working conditions for California’s food system and farm workers— this is one of UC ANR’s condition changes to benefit the population of California.

Objective: This session will provide an introduction to the importance and value of farm labor issues in California, how extension professionals can better work to build relationships with farm labor organizations and farm worker communities, and why supporting farm workers is critical to the sustainability of California agriculture.

Panelists include:

  • Christy Getz, Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist, UC Berkeley
  • Bonnie Bade, Professor, California State University San Marcos
  • Patricia Carrillo, Executive Director, Agricultural and Land-Based Training Association


Questions? Contact UC ANR Program Support, Clin Xu, (530) 750-1361