Position Title
Coordinator for Agriculture and Environment
Sonja Brodt is Associate Director of UC SAREP and coordinates the Agriculture and Environment theme. Recent research and education initiatives have been focusing on increasing adoption of renewable farming practices that regenerate the soil, conserve natural resources, harness biodiversity for better agricultural and environmental outcomes, and help producers mitigate and adapt to climate change. Recent projects focus on comprehensive training for beginning organic farmers, creating new models for native species hedgerows that include commercial harvest of native species such as blue elderberry, and creating a database of successful practices for cover crops management. Sonja aims to integrate social science and agroecological perspectives into her work and has also taken a leading role in spearheading professional development programs geared toward increasing the capacity of extension professionals to engage with more racially and culturally diverse and traditionally under-served stakeholders. Sonja completed a B.A. in Biology, an M.S. in International Agricultural Development, a Ph.D. in Geography, and a Permaculture Design certificate.