Position Title
Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator
Katharina has fifteen years of experience working in sustainable agriculture, research, and education with multiple partners in North America and Europe. She received her PhD in Entomology from the University of California, Davis where she researched how crop rotations, tillage, and wildflower plantings impact crop pollinating native bees. Prior to joining the Organic Agriculture Institute, Katharina was the Director of UC Davis Student Farm, a 23-acre organic educational farm and garden. Her experience also includes working at the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation where she collaborated with farmers, agricultural professionals, and researchers across California and North America to support pollinators and crop pollination on farmland. Katharina’s career began on small farms in Austria and continued in the United States where she focused on mixed vegetable and livestock production. During those formative years, working with and learning from farmers, she developed a strong interest in sustainable agriculture, experiential learning, and knowledge exchange.