Local Food Systems Symposium - 2008

Meeting the needs of producers and consumers

Buehler Alumni Center, UC Davis - December 2-3, 2008

The Local Foods Symposium was an opportunity for local food proponents from Northern and Central California to come together to exchange ideas surrounding the current trends and future challenges involved in creating a sustainable food system. Cooperative Extension specialists, researchers, non-profit personnel, farmers, nutritionists, and community members participated in a two day conference which presented 06-08 SAREP research grants and facilitated roundtable discussions on local foods issues.

  • Symposium Summary and Objectives
  • Agenda

Symposium Outcomes

  • Descriptions of SAREP-funded local food systems research (2006-2008)
    Download the PDF of research projects working to integrate local food into their community food system. Projects are centered in Northern and Central California.
  • Poster abstracts
    The posters presented at the Local Food Symposium further illustrated the 06-08 SAREP-funded research, along with some additional examples of ongoing local food projects.
  • Roundtable Discussion Notes
    The conference held five roundtable discussions throughout the conference. Attendees participated in discussions on farm-to-school programs, ethnic and rural markets, place-based labels, and export marketing.