UC SAREP Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Small Grants Program
2024-25 Request for Proposals
UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (UC SAREP) is pleased to announce the release of the request for proposals for our 2024-25 Small Grants Program. The program funds research projects, education and demonstration programs of research-based technologies and systems, and projects that support the development of sustainable community food systems.
Funding Priority Areas
Priority Area 1: Support California’s farmers, ranchers, and land stewards of all scales in piloting and transitioning to:
- environmentally regenerative approaches to producing crops and livestock (including but not limited to soil health, organic and agroecological practices, integrated pest management, crop diversification);
- pathways for realizing economic return from ecologically-sound crop management practices and fair labor practices;
- marketing and distribution strategies that support diversified, decentralized, and locally-based supply chains;
- strategies that promote producer-to-producer networking and/or producer-to-supply chain networking.
Priority Area 2: Support California’s rural, urban, and Tribal communities in identifying and implementing strategies to:
- expand access to healthy, sustainably produced, culturally appropriate foods;
- ensure worker wellbeing across the food chain;
- minimize the community and environmental costs of food production and distribution;
- strengthen connections between consumers and producers;
- establish and strengthen producer-to-producer connections and producer-to-supply chain connections.
Who May Apply
Eligible applicants include:
- farm or food system businesses operating in California
- non-profit, tax-exempt organizations operating in California
- state and local government agencies, tribal governments, and
- California public and private institutions of higher education.
Funding Availability & Proposal Categories
Individual grants will be limited to a maximum of $10,000, with one Applied Research Grant awarded up to $20,000. Proposals are requested for three types of projects:
- Planning Grants
- Education and Outreach Grants
- Applied Research Grants
PROPOSALS DUE: Tuesday, January 9th, 2024, 12:00pm PST.
For more information and to apply: https://sarep.ucdavis.edu/grantsFY24-25
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