In 2016, UC Cooperative Extension Fresno & Tulare Counties and UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP) received a CDFA Specialty Crop Block grant to partner with small-scale Central Valley farmers to identify best practices for drying moringa leaves and producing dried leaf powder as a value-added product. Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a fast-growing, drought-tolerant tree known for its high nutritional content. Drying moringa extends the life of the saleable product and gives farmers entry to additional market channels. Moringa leaves, both fresh and dried, have a wide range of culinary uses and can be easily incorporated into a wide smoothies, soups, salads, stir-fries or sauces as a nutritious garnish or seasoning.

Download our guidebook
This guidebook recommends best practices for drying and processing moringa leaves on small-scale farms in California. It also provides a general overview of regulations related to the processing and sale of morniga as a value-addded product in California.

Download our guidebook with Hmong headings
This guidebook on best practices for drying and processing moringa leaves on small-scale farms in California has Hmong headings and subheadings. The guidebook also provides a general overview of regulations related to the processing and sale of morniga as a value-addded product in California.

What is Moringa? marketing flyer
This half-sheet flyer provides general information on moringa and moringa-growing resources.