Farm Information
County: Napa
Location: Oakville AVA
Slope: Some areas are flat, other areas are between 5-15% slope
Irrigation system: Drip
Soil type: Gravelly loam
Soil detail: Boomer Gravelly Loam, Boomer Loam
Special farming challenges: There are some soil differences that affect the way the cover crop grows.
- Cropping Systems Information
- Crop: winegrapes
Acres of orchard or vineyard: 23Other crops: No
Acres of other crops: n/a
Organic management: No
Certifications: Napa Green, Fish Friendly Farming
Certifications notes: n/a
Where using cover crops: Vineyard - Grower Experience, Farm Priorities, and Cover Cropping Goals
- When started farming (yr): 1986
Farm priorities: To produce top quality grapes in a sustainable way.
Years growing orchard or vineyard crop: 35 years
Years growing cover crops: 35 years
Initial transition to cover cropping: Since the beginning they have seeded cover crops in between vine rows in the entire vineyard.
Goals and benefits: Soil improvement, nitrogen supplement, insect predator support
Benefits description: Nitrogen fixing, pest control/enhance predator populations, erosion control, soil health/soil organic matter
Change in goals over time: Besides the original thinking, they are now also interested in carbon sequestration.
Reasons: Not much has changed. Over the years they have incorporated different cover crops in different sections of the vineyard to see what works best. - Cover Crop Details, Planting and Management Methods
Block described here: Winegrapes
Current cover crops: Legumes, grasses
Species and mixes: Triticale, oats, purple vetch, common vetch, peas.
Planting method: Broadcast seed
Planting date (2020): Mid October
Was that optimal? They thought it was optimal because we seeded before the first rains but then they didn't get much water. Ideally they would like to planted ahead of substantial rains.
Pre-plant soil prep: Disc
Planting equipment: Broadcast seeder (tractor)
Seeding rate: 100lb/acre
Seeding depth: 0
Did it germinate well? No. It germinated ok but compared to previous years it hasn't been growing that great.
Additional management and advice: n/a - Cover Crop Termination Methods and Biomass Management
Termination method: Mow, disc
Termination equipment and process: Mow with flail mower and then disc in.
Termination date: Late March, beginning of April
Was it optimal? Yes, we do it based on the dryness of the soil because we don't want the cover crop competing for water with the vines.
Biomass management: Incorporated it into the ground in the cultivated rows, left it in place in the mowed rows. - Cover Cropping Challenges and Strategies to Address Them
- Challenges: Risk of frost, establishment difficulties
Challenges description: Risk of frost damage to vines, water availability/difficulties irrigating cover crop
Strategies to address challenges: "We mow if we think a cooling event will happen."
Was the cover crop worth it? Don't think that cover crop adds a substantial cost to the operation.
Least successful past cover crops: n/a