Member for

6 years 4 months
close up of soil

Farm Information

County: Napa
Location: Oakville AVA
Slope: Flat
Irrigation system: Drip
Soil type: Clay loam, Silt loam
Soil detail: Clay loam, Silt loam
Special farming challenges: Some areas dry earlier than others.


  • Cropping Systems Information
  • Crop: winegrapes
    Acres of orchard or vineyard: 18

    Other crops: Small vegetable farm
    Acres of other crops: 1
    Organic management: 
    Certifications: Fish Friendly Farming
    Certifications notes: n/a
    Where using cover crops: Vineyard

  • Grower Experience, Farm Priorities, and Cover Cropping Goals
  • When started farming (yr): 1972
    Farm priorities: To produce the highest quality grapes as possible while being environmentally friendly.
    Years growing orchard or vineyard crop: 49 years
    Years growing cover crops: ~ 20 years. Since the late 90s but not every year since then.
    Initial transition to cover cropping: They started trying it in the entire vineyard some years and skipping others.
    Goals and benefits: Soil improvement, water infiltration/retention, nitrogen supplement, pollinator support, yield enhancement
    Benefits description: Nitrogen fixing, yield enhancing, support pollinators, erosion control, soil health/soil organic matter, soil water holding capacity
    Change in goals over time: Now they incorporate cover crops to address soil erosion, to reduce tillage, for weed control, and to remove moisture from the soil to control vine vigor.
    Reasons: They have just been using the cover crop in years when they think is needed and skipping the years when they don't think they need it.
  • Cover Crop Details, Planting and Management Methods
  • Block described here: Winegrapes
    Current cover crops: Legumes, grasses
    Species and mixes: Every other row: Blando brome, clover, fescue, barley, bell beans, magnus and dundale peas, and oats.
    Planting method: Drill seed
    Planting date (2020): Middle/end of October
    Was that optimal? "Ideally we seed a few days the first rains come."
    Pre-plant soil prep: Till
    Planting equipment: Drill seeder
    Seeding rate: 50lb/acre
    Seeding depth: 1 inch
    Did it germinate well? No, germinated okay but lack of rain prevented it from germinating properly
    Additional management and advice: n/a

  • Cover Crop Termination Methods and Biomass Management
  • Termination method: Mow
    Termination equipment and process: Mow with Clemens mulcher
    Termination date: Late March
    Was it optimal? No. "It happened earlier than I would have liked because we wanted to prevent water competition with the vines because lack of soil moisture."
    Biomass management: Mowed and left to cover the soil in some sections, cultivated others.

  • Cover Cropping Challenges and Strategies to Address Them
  • Challenges: Risk of frost, establishment difficulties, cost, labor availability, insect pests and sanitation or nematode issues
    Challenges description: Risk of frost damage to vines, water availability/difficulties irrigating cover crop, labor costs to manage, attracts insect pests or nematodes
    Strategies to address challenges: "We till every other row to mitigate frost damage."
    Was the cover crop worth it? Yes
    Least successful past cover crops: n/a